Baneswar Shiv in Kumartoli is one of the oldest temples of the city. It was built around 1740 by Banmali Sarkar when he built his own mansion. It is now one of the two surviving terracotta temples of the city.
The Temple has passed on now to the extended Family of Bonmali Sarkar who is in dire needs of funds to repair and restore. The temple is an Aatchala temple which once had detailed terracotta work. This is long gone with only exposed brickwork. The Shiv ling made of Kosti pathar (touchstone) and is now is supported by a concrete block to prevent it from collapsing.
CHC plans to first undertake immediate repairs of the sanctum sanctorum including the entry and repair to the Shiv Ling. Repair and restoration work of the exterior façade including new pathway and relaying of exposed cables etc will be started first. The next phase will be to replicate the terracotta work.